Friday, October 23, 2009

Live your passion, sell your dream

"I don't understand it! I was sure this time it would work. Everyone said this was the next big thing. And yet I'm just not having any results. In fact, I feel stupid everytime I try to share what I'm doing. What am I doing wrong."

What are you doing wrong? It sounds like you might be trying to live someone else's dream.

You were born for a purpose! Really! A purpose no one else can fulfill. What? You don't believe me? Why not? Is it so difficult to believe that you are a special person, born for a special purpose?

Could it be you just haven't yet discovered what your purpose is? What are your passionate about? What types of things do you look forward to doing each day? What is it that you can't wait to share with others? What skills do you have that can benefit others?

"I don't have any special skills." "I don't have a passion for anything. I just try to make it through the day." "No one would be interested in the things that interest me." I've heard all of these negatives repeatedly, from almost everyone of my clients while they worked to discover their calling. But by focusing on the positive and ignoring the naysayers surrounding them, they were able to overcome the self-doubt and indecision they were feeling. They set goals that truly meant something to them and then started working towards them.

So, let's get moving! Don't be afraid. Don't let procrastination and indecision run your life. Look around at all the successful people you know. What do they have in common? They share their passions, interests, and skills. And whenever self-doubt reared its head, they gave their fear a good, swift kick and sent it packing. You have passions, interests, and skill too. You know something or can do something that could help hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of people. And while you are serving others, you can serve yourself. Because following your passion and interests, and using the skills and talents you were given is a great way to earn a living. When you are doing what you love, what you are good at, using your skills, your enthusiasm shows. And enthusiasm is contagious. If you are excited about what you do, you will excite others around you. If you are good at what you do, people will recognize you as an expert in your field. Now wouldn't you prefer to work with an expert who is excited about his work? So would most people.

For many years I listened to others around me - my friends ("You go in business for yourself? You're kidding, right?"), my parents ("The only way to get ahead is to have a job that pays you a steady paycheck."), even my husband ("Are you sure this will work?"). Then circumstances changed and suddenly I had no choice. I had to do something different. And yet I still listened to those voices around me. The ones that told me to try the many different things I worked at because they worked for everyone else. But I'm not everyone else and they didn't work for me. It wasn't until I met some very special people who told me that to be successful, I had to do what I loved to do and was good at.

What's your passion? What do you enjoy doing? Where are your strengths, skills, and talents? What are you good at that you love to do? Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. Figure out who you are and what you do and what is it that makes you different from everyone else? Then share it. And watch how quickly you become a success.

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